Collecting in Performing Arts - Collection of Lovers
Master’s Thesis submitted to the Graduation Program in Arts of the Scene from the School of Communication at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2014-2016)
Eleonora Fabião, PhD
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Abstract of the Master’s Thesis submitted to the Graduation Program in Arts of the Scene from the School of Communication at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, as part of the necessary requirements to obtain the title of Master in Arts of the Scene.
This thesis investigates the collecting in performing arts and deals specifically with the process of creation and presentation of Lovers Collection – a project that covers a collection of performances and a theatrical show performed in Brazil and in Portugal (2014/2015). In the first part, it covers the notion of collecting through the investigation of the topics memory, archive and body, and the analysis of theater work, dance and performance. The artistic and theoretical references in this first chapter are: André Lepecki, Dani Lima, Diana Taylor, Eleonora Fabião, Fausto Colombo, Gustavo Ciríaco, Tehching Hsieh, Umberto Eco and Walter Benjamim. The second chapter presents and discusses the performance Lovers Collection since the creation of the performance program and its realization in three cities (Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon and Ponte Delgada), until its inclusion in festivals and university seminars. In this part, works by the artists Nan Golding and Sophie Calle are analyzed, and topics of interest are covered: the photography in the intimacy and the interweaving of life and artwork in the execution of the performance. Texts by Charlotte Cotton, José Gil, Jean Baudrillard, Richard Schechner and Rosalind Krauss compose this discussion. The third and last chapter of the thesis is dedicated to the process of creation and presentation of the theatrical show Lovers Collection. Here, the theater of the British group Forced Entertainment and the solo work of its director, Tim Etchells, are important references. In part, the writing of Collecting in Performance Arts – Lovers Collection has made possible the production of the show Lovers Collection, for it has produced vital references for the elaboration of its playwriting and, in part, its writing is the direct result of the artistic practices lived. It is, therefore, a process to a practical and theoretical research.
Key words
Collecting, Performance, Theater.
Master Degree
Rio de Janeiro, February 2016.