In 2020, Raquel André was the artist selected by BeSpectative! to celebrate European Spectator’s Day. Already developing her project Collection of Spectators, she launched this participatory website in collaboration with the 16 institutions that are part of this European network.
This site is an invitation to a meeting. Raquel invites anyone anywhere in the world to be part of this Collection of People.
Raquel collected spectators throughout all the previous collections (Lovers, Collector_s and Artists), in various formats of encounters, where intense, ephemeral and joint moments were shared. From these several encounters, hundreds of photographs, objects, stories resulted, creating an archive of memories that you keep carefully.
On this site Raquel launched 14 instructions that propose interaction and participation. These instructions are a channel for a meeting, for sharing experiences, thoughts and sensations, for manifestos.
Raquel wants to collect you as a spectator of art, a spectator of life and of this world, a spectator of the here and now. She wants to know you as an observer and witness, but also as a participant and creator. She wants to know you as a spectator.
After the launch of the website and the 14 instructions, Raquel created the spectacle Collection of Spectators where this website is the dramaturgical body of this work. For the show, more instructions were created that are archived over time, during the show's presentations.
October 2020 - online by Raquel André
Creation António Pedro Lopes, Bernardo de Almeida, Cláudia Gaiolas & Raquel André
Webdesign Sérgio Couto
Web development
Production Missanga
Press Sara Cunha
Social Media Nuno Gervásio
Videos Afonso Sousa
Comunication Photos Tiago de Jesus Brás
Supports BeSpectative!, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, DGartes-República Portuguesa, CC Malaposta - Minutos Redondos, Contemporary Arts Center
10/2020 Online Premier