Last is the last movement before fame/death arrives. From the book "The Last Words of Notable People”, the performers direct a plastic fiction of what is left, building shapes that perpetuate fame/death as a possibility to our memory.
2012 - EIRA33 (Lisboa - PT)
Last by Raquel André
Created and performed by Raquel André & Tiago Cadete
Costumes Raquel André & Tiago Cadete with the collaboration of Carlota Lagido
Consultadoria Bel Garcia and Francisco Camacho
Co-production Teatro Municipal de Almada (PT), EIRA (PT), Cia dos Atores (BR) and Molloy (PT)
Artistic Residencies Cia dos Atores – Rio de Janeiro (BR) and EIRA33 – Lisboa (PT)
Supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Rio de Janeiro Festival Dois Pontos(BR)
Rio de Janeiro (BR) CIA Actores
Almada (PT) Teatro Municipal de Almada
Lisboa (PT) espaço eira 33